little reminder

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Wesak/Vesak & how are we attached?

Happy Wesak/Vesak to everyone. It has been a fortnight that everyone last stepped on school grounds. Some are abroad and some stay local on attachment. I started the session with my mentor (his representatives) today with administration procedures (getting security pass, declaring my handphone etc). I am allocated an office on the 19th floor of MINDEF Human Resource Department (MHRD) on Depot Road. Not an actual penthouse, but MHRD looks like a good place to work full time, not just for an attachment.
They will also be issuing me a laptop on Thursday, how cool is that!!! (the truth is it is more security hassle to clear mine than being issued temporarily with one). That was how far I got today but hope to hear how everyone else is doing. ARB.

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